Sunday, February 17, 2008

What is the meaning of "He laughs best who laughs last"?

I think the meaning of "He laughs best who laughs last" is if you think that you are the best, then you will be the weakest. If you know the story about the tortise and the hare who were competing in a race with each other and in the end the tortise wins, then that is what I am reffering to. For example:
Fred was very good in his maths and he scored full marks for his exam last year. Now the exams is coming. He did not bother to study for maths because he thought that he could score full marks. During his maths exam, he panicked because all the maths questions seem foreign to him. The exams were over and Fred's class got their report cards. Fred had gotten very low marks for all his subjects including maths. Later on, Fred found out that a boy named Danny who always get very low marks for his subjects had gotten first in class because Danny studied. When Fred got home, he got a scolding from his mother and ever since that day, Fred will not stop studying even if he got first place in class. I do not know if that is the true meaning. If anyone know, can you please tell me?? That is all for now.BYE BYE!!

1 comment:

Seraphina said...

actually i thought of that too so i think you are right=)