Monday, March 3, 2008

What is a good neighbour?

A good neighbour is just like a friend. Just like a friend, a good neighbours will always be by your side when you have difficulties. A good neighbour also will be friendly and not rude. Most of my neighbours like to play soccer. Sometimes they would even play soccer when me and my family are relaxing. When my neighbours play soccer, they would be very noisy and that would ruin my mood. I would say that would be inconsiderate. Luckily, they would play at the 1st floor. Not all of my neighbours are inconsiderate. My next-door-neighbour is very kind. They only have one son and I will always play with him. Sometimes, his family would give me presents on special occasions. Most of my neighbours are boys. There are some girls, but they do not come out of their house that much. Thank you for reading my journal. I hope you like it.

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